DO we have the classes you are looking for?

With more than 1,658 online and in-person courses, there’s a good chance we do. Get started by searching the term guide, then download our term calendar to keep track of important dates and deadlines.

Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas en español

¡Obtén tu Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas completamente en línea, a tu propio ritmo y totalmente en español!

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Your degree might be closer than you think. Make your move. Learn more about how Empire State University puts your undergraduate, graduate, or nursing degree within reach.

Blue the SUNY Empire mascot

Personalized Learning

Combine your life learning with Empire State University’s curriculum to earn a personalized degree based on your experience, interests, and goals.

Save time and money

At SUNY Empire, we believe students should be awarded credit for verifiable university-level learning and life experience gained outside a traditional classroom. In addition to transfer credit, we offer multiple ways to earn credit for prior learning, saving you time and money on your degree.

  • Professional licensure
  • Standardized exams
  • Volunteer work
  • Military training
  • ...and more

Flexible approaches to learning that fit your schedule and needs.

We know that busy students need flexible options to earn their degree. Empire State University students can study in many ways, and what works for you one term might be different the next term. We're committed to helping you find a way to learn that makes sense for where you are right now, and where you want to be in the future. Whether you prefer online instruction, in-person instruction, or a blend of both, we have courses and degree programs that meet your unique needs.